
             Working with computers over the years has caused me to have a wide variety of interests in computer related projects, recently we have been taking time to build new computers out of old ones, We reuse the case of the old computer, but install new components to make a new computer!, Some systems we have reused reliable parts like processors, and memory, and this only to keep down the cost of the system. After all that is the goal of our business to do quality, affordable computer and printer work!

Wanting to upgrade your system from Windows XP, but cannot afford to buy a new computer? Maybe you should look into switching to Linux? I have spent a long time looking for an easy usable version for average computer users, and have chosen LXLE Linux. Others on the way!

             Based on the popular Ubuntu Family of Linux operating systems! LXLE is similar in many ways to a windows computer, and it can be configured so you can run some of your windows programs also!

             If your interested, please contact me, and I’ll see what we can do for you!

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